Thursday, January 25, 2024

Effective Wellness Reconsidered

Many are unaware that they operate below par with their mental wellness functions. Some are concerned, while many do not care.

Several cognitive, medical, and psychological predispositions comprise mental state relationships.

Trapped, disappointed, and living in a non-focus state, their fingers rapidly scroll their screens. When not scrolling rapidly, they rush between tasks and demands at hand.

Unfortunately, productivity is lost. Only one in five can execute, and then complete a challenging, technical procedure. Personal skills remain at a low ebb. 

Subsequently, work skills remain at a premium, and are in short supply.

Finding their work life in a static position, promotions or new jobs remain elusive, inflation stings. 

We may rush to find partners online to help pay the freight, whereas, it might be better to upskill for proficient, mental wellness enhancement.

It is time to contemplate your own situation, select effective researched, self-recovery methods, as marketing is having a hey-day at your personal well-being expense.

Follow my work with viewing pogram and lesson samples 

on YouTube under jankuypererland1111

Additionally, YouTube features one minute “shorts” to expedite the scrolling process, to complement their social media platforms that may promote ego boosting photos hinged with brief comments.

Utilize my research and developed applications, as it becomes cemented into ongoing and future medical, cognitive, and psychological research applications.