Saturday, February 17, 2024

Solutions Rejected


A former December blog. “Memory Development for Me, revealed my pleasure in upskilling my own cognitive skills, and the mental overload relief I obtained with mental practice exercises.

 “Effective Wellness Reconsidered” talk followed  in my January post.

 Yet, today’s world generally does not embrace or recognize the concept of self-improvement through practice exercise, unless it is athletic teams whose objective design is performance. 

An individual may consider it “cool” to have a mental or physical weakness, to align with majority thought.

The new order code is “sensationalism”. All seek it. All want it. 

Many unsubstantial memory and learning companies have entered a crowded landscape promising the ill-informed individual an answer.

 Solutions, unfortunately,  can become a faulty choice. Rather than a weakness becoming “resolved” it is something to brag about.

If our weakness becomes uncomfortable, we swallow a pill, or smoke a joint. Ultimately, our health becomes at stake.

Yet, procedural learning remains critically important, beyond the pill or joint.

 Many individuals cannot embrace it or qualify for a demanding job position. Or, successfully engage in competitive athletics.

Because a good outcome takes practice, and more practice, then, some more.

Analytics become looped with the practiced outcome. Questions follow. What additionally is needed? 

Tried and True researched, clinical trials, or taking actions that work under pressure.

 Whatever the choice, it is for you to decide if  you are geared to grip technical job skills.