Showing posts with label listening memory integration. Memexspan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label listening memory integration. Memexspan. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

Active Listening and AI Part 2

 This article is a continuance of Active listening Part 1, and how it will interface with AI. As the reader, you are interested in how AI will benefit, change, and/or disrupt your own personal world.

In many ways, there will be huge improvements to simply your life, as artificial intelligence WILL streamline many fields of endeavor to eliminate both small and consummate errors.

AI will rule data management, much to the relief of business and industry. Heath Care management will greatly benefit. Case in point: In the following incidence, I would have been grateful for an AI intervention like data management.

Recently, I endured a series of catapulting errors trying to get and prescription order filled. I finally did, but it took nearly a week of vacillating communication issues between the nurse, pharmacist, and me. 

Once an initial set of data was submitted, the pharmacist found another detail gap. 

The order remained in abstract limbo. It took my time and energy to finalize the order.  Humans have to organize information and notice discrepencies.

It had become chaotic mis-management. AI will streamline these routine data entries, and can offer additional competence, but, AI will NOT be able to THINK for the prescribing nurse. or the pharmacist, who is processing a specific order, having detailed instructions. It requires cognitive integration, of which listening is an integral component.

This type of personal hassle, you the reader, can relate to this. Similar incidences become daily nightmares to cope with. Life soon becomes too complicated.

Subsequently and conversely, AI will not manage human thought processes involving logical problem solving or unique innovations. Many life decisions will require your own, awareness and ability to resolve the problem. You wind up regretting having made unwise decisions and bad choices.  

Your life soon becomes chaos.

However, you can seek your own solutions. However, this requires enough memory strength to compare multiple options.

Answer lies in increasing our Critical Thinking Processes

How do we accomplish this achievement?

In review, active listening is the ability to integrate enough info correctly through cognitive integration, to make decisive judgments that benefit us. (see Hierarchy of Thinking model). The first step is to improve your own listening ability and memory levels to increase your self- awareness and monitoring.

Critical Thinking can only be achieved through deep learning rehearsal practice, and not though medications and pills, which might clear brain fog, but do not generate cohesive thought.

Bottom line: Training is a gradual, incremental process, like learning to play the a musical instrument or playing an athletic game.  Expertise does not happen overnight.  But, your gradual road toward excellence may be your feeling of accomplishment and resilient well-being.

Erland, J. K.  (1989c, 1980). The Hierarchy of Thinking Model.  Lawrence, KS. online; (2024). Jan Kuyper Erland.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Lesson 4 - Mem-ExSpan, memspan's The Bridge to Achievement, Sequential C...

Lesson 4 -  gives you a chance to test your short-term working memory by seeing if you can remember a food order. 

Learn by self-rehearsal-practice; then try repeating the items in the order.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Solutions Rejected


A former December blog. “Memory Development for Me, revealed my pleasure in upskilling my own cognitive skills, and the mental overload relief I obtained with mental practice exercises.

 “Effective Wellness Reconsidered” talk followed  in my January post.

 Yet, today’s world generally does not embrace or recognize the concept of self-improvement through practice exercise, unless it is athletic teams whose objective design is performance. 

An individual may consider it “cool” to have a mental or physical weakness, to align with majority thought.

The new order code is “sensationalism”. All seek it. All want it. 

Many unsubstantial memory and learning companies have entered a crowded landscape promising the ill-informed individual an answer.

 Solutions, unfortunately,  can become a faulty choice. Rather than a weakness becoming “resolved” it is something to brag about.

If our weakness becomes uncomfortable, we swallow a pill, or smoke a joint. Ultimately, our health becomes at stake.

Yet, procedural learning remains critically important, beyond the pill or joint.

 Many individuals cannot embrace it or qualify for a demanding job position. Or, successfully engage in competitive athletics.

Because a good outcome takes practice, and more practice, then, some more.

Analytics become looped with the practiced outcome. Questions follow. What additionally is needed? 

Tried and True researched, clinical trials, or taking actions that work under pressure.

 Whatever the choice, it is for you to decide if  you are geared to grip technical job skills.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Memory Development for Me


 Many would call my personal rewards luck. I call it my personal blessings, as evidenced by this recent November photo of myself enveloped in a rainbow by my kitchen window.

Never dreaming that my training initiative would benefit myself, as well as others, this realization came as a Christmas surprise.

The sudden rainbow of colors on me created a sense of wonderment.

Although Taylor Swift has recently discussed her early teen ambitions, my aim in assisting others developed early as a child. Not only did I want to help others, but I wanted to be a writer as the conduit element.

 There was an oxymoron problem: I did not have the cognitive ability to write with high acumen; let alone design and develop a memory program.

 Yes, like Taylor, I had ambition; but with limited talent to write effectively.

Now, with my own thrust with my own prescribed memory and cognitive auditory transfer training, the efforts have proved out in spades within three dynamic levels:

     1.                  the ability to manage my own
                complex health procedures for
                56 years to remain healthy.

2.                  the ability to team-work for complex film sound and video procedures to complete an arduous, demanding project.

3.                  to quickly understand, follow, and manage complex household    procedures, avoiding timely over-charge details.

Like many, I have much to be thankful for this holiday season, and offer this wish to the rest of you reading this commentary.