Sunday, March 20, 2022

Clinical Deep Learning Practice Applied

 No Magic Bullet or Quick Fix:  

Procedural Learning Objectives


Jan Kuyper Erland


 Summative Observations of a Data-Driven Framework:

Continuous anecdotal data science applications created some interesting observations. With perplexing longitudinal results with all ages showing gains of various cognitive functioning levels, I began to investigate these differences between individuals and yet, the results had mysteriously maintained not only post years latently through diagnostic follow up assessments, but maintained for decades, as evidenced by continuing circumstantial reports of impressive, continuing high career status.

 Yet, these data phenomena, under certain application-environmental provisions, would be routinely expected.

 Many of the following factors are routinely studied post treatment and verified by cognitive scientists, and should be under continued review at this juncture.

 Clinical anecdotal records revealed the following objectives initially and in subsequent years:

Both performance and mental attitude changed positively for many, not only during the course, but following due, most in all probability, to neuronal rapid, continued flexibility.

Results showed steady growth with all learning levels, but varied among individual subjects.

Results revealed larger growth by treatment groups than a gifted control groups and alternate media activity control groups.

Results were one-two years latent with challenging conditions, and these learners required immediate and semi-annual on-going refreshers.

 Average profiles varied in the outcome results. Some appeared to be suddenly “popped to the very high levels”, while others waxed according to their current brain’s proficiency wiring reflecting daily mental habits.

 As my master thesis indicated; puppets had the same “star” modeling influence power as did peer- team mates.[i]

 Long term memory transfer bridging to critical thought was the most difficult to improve, and required more intense, continuing working memory practice and, with reading and higher order thinking.

Results maintained when eagerly adopted and accepted by the client through the modeling routines.

Peer team models are the important factor for not only overall program acceptance, but for rehearsal spoken timing and pacing.

The deep phonological rehearsal verbal training may have affected the generalization outcomes reported in the research and published higher reading and math scores. [ii]

Intense verbal practice while viewing rotating, timed images and sounds impact working short term sequential memory leading to auditory-visual integration; a requirement for reading comprehension.

Subsequently, the reader must have a fundamental understanding, at the contextual level, for comprehending rigorous texts. To meet the top criteria of the Hierarchy of Thinking Model’s Critical Thought, [iii] this layer must be in place.



[i]  Erland, J. K. (1980, October) Vicarious Modeling Using Peers and Puppets with Learning Disabled Adolescents. © 1980. The University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas.

[ii]  Erland, J. K. (1999, Fall) Brain-Based Accelerated Learning and Cognitive Skills Training Using Interactive Media Expedites High Academic Achievement. The Journal of Accelrerated Learning and Teaching24, 3&4.

[iii]  Erland, Hierarchy of Thinking. Published in 1999 International Alliance of Learning’s monograph. Brain-Based Accelerated Learning and Cognitive Skills Training Using Interactive Media Expedites High Academic Achievement. 24, 3&4. pp.12-14.