Showing posts with label Jankuypererland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jankuypererland. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Your Active Listening Capability vs. AI

Will Artificial Intelligence replace active listening and inter-communication?

This article series, as an early pioneer in cognitive neuroscience, as a lay practioner, can give you, the reader, hopeful communicative insight. We can find much discourse on this topic on social media. 

There are many viewpoints to consider.

My earlier article on “Listening Success” (February 18, 2024), outlined three types of listening; passive, active, and critical. 

That being said, can Artificial Intelligence replace active and critical listening, crucial components of inter-personal communicative skills and interaction?

The answer is a resounding “no.”  Why, so?

Business, educational, medical, and technical positions will always depend upon personal interaction with feelings and intent.

 AI cannot copy this.

There will also be conferencing and working in teams that will require inter-active communication. Subsequently, inter-personal thought patterns will be outside of AI.

Active listening requires cognition. Without it, you are relegated to only visual memory and careers that utilize the visual process.

Example: Lawn businesses and factory line work require only minimal critical- active, listening. It is primarily visual work.

     i.e. I live on a street where every house employs a difference lawn landscaping company, as there are multitudes to choose from.  

The owner often entails the workload personally, as his lawn assistants cannot follow the necessary, mandatory, oral directions. (auditory memory).

To compound the situation, the lawn proprietor also has limited sequential, listening memory.

Out hiking, I noticed a homeowner giving a lawn proprietor detailed instruction. The latter looked overly confused, as he could not follow, or remember, the procedural instructions entailed.

Subsequently, the specifics were accidentally skipped. Later, the disgruntled home owner then hired another company with the same problem.

Unfortunately, the town is saturated with lawn companies. It is an easy business to acquire the necessary equipment, as failed lawn services soon go broke, (after two or three years in the red), and sell their equipment at a loss to another aspiring lawn company.

Perhaps, it would be better to acquire active listening memory ability; even if it requires some effort. For enhanced performance, The Bridge to Achievement program requires deep learning practice like athletic and musical performance.


t may be time to lessen time spent on visual video games, and consider listening development.



Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Memory Development for Me


 Many would call my personal rewards luck. I call it my personal blessings, as evidenced by this recent November photo of myself enveloped in a rainbow by my kitchen window.

Never dreaming that my training initiative would benefit myself, as well as others, this realization came as a Christmas surprise.

The sudden rainbow of colors on me created a sense of wonderment.

Although Taylor Swift has recently discussed her early teen ambitions, my aim in assisting others developed early as a child. Not only did I want to help others, but I wanted to be a writer as the conduit element.

 There was an oxymoron problem: I did not have the cognitive ability to write with high acumen; let alone design and develop a memory program.

 Yes, like Taylor, I had ambition; but with limited talent to write effectively.

Now, with my own thrust with my own prescribed memory and cognitive auditory transfer training, the efforts have proved out in spades within three dynamic levels:

     1.                  the ability to manage my own
                complex health procedures for
                56 years to remain healthy.

2.                  the ability to team-work for complex film sound and video procedures to complete an arduous, demanding project.

3.                  to quickly understand, follow, and manage complex household    procedures, avoiding timely over-charge details.

Like many, I have much to be thankful for this holiday season, and offer this wish to the rest of you reading this commentary.


Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Stuff Dreams are Made Of

 " Schemes and Dreams of the Chipper Chopping Chums"

My first marketing endeavor was to create and produce my first road show,  a theatrical puppetry company, while I was in graduate school.

It was a puppet show, named “Voco Poco Puppets” to match my extensive teaching experience in theatrical productions. As a family creative, team project, we performed a variety of seasonal shows at shopping centers.

Our ’Voco Poco Puppets’ back-to-school Fall promotionals was publicized as: “The Schemes and Dreams of the Chipper Chopping Chums”. 

The Script: Our featured ventriloquist puppets dreamed of being super stars like Wonder Woman and Superman. They thought they could reach those imaginative roles by dreaming about the fantasy world and that somehow it would become a reality.

And sometimes, dreams do come true.

Subsequently, Madeline and Wayne moved on to the Edutainment world to create better lives for many through instructional games to enhance cognition.

The family wrote and scripted the comedy and songs for each event. An electric piano was purchased for Mark, and as an advanced pianist by age 11, he welcomed a paid professional role performing current "Pop and Rock" pre-shows that attracted large crowds for the puppet dramas.

The shopping center’s marketing agents booked us regularly, as they remarked we were a “darling show.” After a 5- year performance stint, my children grew older, had formed new interests, and I had acquired my special education masters degree, ready to teach.

Progressing from public school teaching to my own company with a film studio, my lighting, and sound stage with a continuing coursework background, was included for the updated Bridge to Achievement film work. 

Interestingly, the featured Butch and Lily puppets had been early 1940s Hollywood figures that appeared as comedy nightclub stage acts in California and New York City. I purchased Lily from the retired performing artist, Lucille Elmore, who had become my vocal coach and mentor.  

She later bestowed Butch as an addition to my ongoing creative instructional film work. She explained that “I don’t want Butch ending up in a stored box”. 

And, indeed he didn't.

View Lily and Butch O'Malley below in Lucille Elmore's 1940's stage acts:

The characters'  vocal cadence have offered over 85 years of cheerful, comforting, reassuring glow to give a viewer a sense of well-being. 

The puppets had transferred themselves from 3-Dimensional stage players to a filmed 5-Dimensional rotating, instructional visual-sound system. These role models became successful tools for cognitive skills training.

Puppets as role models generate research outcomes

Data Outcomes Summary

Thursday, February 23, 2023

AI and the Human Mind: Our Third Brain?

AI and the Human Mind: Our Third Brain? [1]

 By Jan Kuyper Erland


Recently, having completed my 5-generational researched and developed puppetry film project, it is prudent to discuss the threat of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it might mimic The Bridge to Achievement’s (BTA) layered components effectively.

The Irony of The Bridge to Achievement’s lengthy project: How AI mechanical images and sound may affect any completed project output in unknown objectionable ways, yet could have assisted greatly with the long, arduous writing and procedural details process. [2]

Comparing our own vocal/musical sounds compared with Open AI mechanical sounds

 The mechanical written sentences and vocals can be easily captured through ChatGPT. Pitch, rhythm, and pace could be copied easily by AI; but intonation and emotional expression is questionable. Attitudes may be hidden.

Subsequently, unique talent can become difficult to imitate fully. The inner personality is not like the original spirit. Specialized talent’s feelings and nuances become  difficult to convey mechanically.

Spoken and musical phrasing is unique to the speaker’s voice. It can be interpreted a special way according to the mental rhythm of the intoned speech. Two singer’s or actor’s voices may replicate sound through AI similarly, but the replication would not create the same layered tonal quality, sensation, through emotional, meaningful intent.

 AI versus Human Language Considerations

For example, prosody and phonological awareness has adapted mechanical sound variations by Siri chat and in various listening pathology treatments for simple, direct communicative value. Yet, the BTA offers multiple, complex, dramatic looping variations for upskilling capabilities uniquely and artistically. 

 AI Written Work Productivity

CEOs are bombarded with tech app requests to streamline written work procedures and project demands with AI. Unfortunately, there are multiple constraints: algorithms take time to develop, are costly to build as each factor has variables. To complicate the situation, there are few data scientists available to fill the roles, let alone convey reasonable expectations and outcomes.

That being said, how will the written sentence convey consistent, intended messaging with logic and reasoning?  Unfortunately, ChatGBT platforms can convey misinformation leading to a myriad of personal and legal entanglements. This aspect will be determined in written evaluative discourse within future data outcomes.

[1]  Hao, J, Cutter, C., and Morenne, B, (February 20, 2023). From CEOs to Coders, Employees Experiment with New AI Programs. New York, NY, The Wall Street Journal. TECH. pp.1-7.

[2] Erland, J. K. (© 2008). Downloadable, unpublished report. Five Generations, 27-years of iterative Brain-Based Accelerative Learning Experimentation Demonstrate Cognitive Skill Improvement Enhances Academic and Career Goals. (https://memspan/jalt). 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Elusive, Rational Cognition

                                 Found Through Deep Learning Rehearsal Practice


The Universal Problem:

My former article “Think Twice” discussed how visual and auditory memory integration (necessary for deep understanding/comprehension) becomes elusive with too much addictive screen time adherence. We all “obey” with compulsivity our screens. Marketing strategies depend upon our compulsive natures that we will react instantly to their clever lures.

 Subsequently, integrated long-term memory transfer becomes critical for optimum decision making. Case in Point Example:  Recently three international development giants were engulfed with their own power-ego and screen lure that they lost billions with inept decision making. This can happen anywhere, any time for anybody. Common sense may go by the wayside.

Visual and auditory memories should always be in sync to transfer to long-term understanding.  Unfortunately, the more we rapidly fire our way through visual screens, cells, tablets, desk tops, TVs, our listening (auditory) memory becomes latent. Our visual memory becomes “in charge” of us.

Therefore, it is important for you to realize and understand the consequences of your actions, and how long-term-memory integration factors play into them, and in your life. For example, you may find yourself “fired” from your job, as it takes 3-4 times the effort to complete an assignment or project; you are  constantly yelling, nagging your kids because they don’t listen and follow directions like you thought they should have done.

 The Solution: Innovative, progressive learning over 20-24 input hours.

 But, which one? Necessary criteria for deep, solid attention and retention:

1.         Musical, rhythmical comedy is a good option to obtain fixed attention for deep learning,

2.         Consecutive practice is the next requirement.

3.         The lessons must then build on each other in difficulty level with purpose.

4.         Then, the learner must see their own progressive improvement, and keep going.

5.         Finally, the rhythmic visual and sound adherence will re-formulate one’s brain cognition and  integration. Improvement is “not a quick fix”, but you will see improvement gradually, peaking in a year or two.

 This article can help you recognize and resolve your insidious limitations, so you can take action to alleviate stress and confusion.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Think Twice

Memory (Listening) Transfer Awareness


Many of us are familiar with the big variety of brain games designed for visual working memory speed. Unfortunately, they do not measure long term memory transfer, visual and auditory, needed to understand, and retain, in-depth meanings when learning new material.

 Also referenced as deep learning memory, or brain knowledge transfer, it becomes vital for remembering math and science operations and reading comprehension. These fundamental academics underlie the ability to follow procedures and instructions in many professional arenas.

 Seldom does a single game application address all cognitive processing pieces simultaneously. Multiple training programs address “one-at- a- time” training of each perceptual processing unit. Specific cognitive skills training will initiate opening the door for additional long- term memory transfer applications. Keep in mind that there are a myriad of additional internal cognitive ability elements maintaining the overall learning and memory structure.

My writings for years have emphasized the need for visual and auditory integration, for following procedures, but there are additional properties often unnoticed; long term memory transfer, the basis for understanding/comprehending, retaining, and applying new information.

 Additionally, many brain games measure visual memory speed primarily, in repeated replicated – isolated patterns, but are not integrated with listening memory. Inadvertently, they are achieving the inverse of what they are trying to accomplish through visual memory training, by pulling the visual memory segment faster, and out of sync, with the overly needed auditory processing. The two memories, then, do not integrate properly for applied conceptualization.

 As a result, we now experience national low school reading and math scores. This is not only due to adherence to these autonomous, yet limited, skill practice screen games, but they inadvertently create a shortage of a skilled workforce that can not follow or remember detailed instructions and procedures, as the required auditory memory transfer practice unit had been overlooked.

We become horrified and baffled, blaming the problem on CoVid isolation with too many applications to sort through coupled with school/parent/business administrative issues.

I have referenced this transfer as: Deep Learning. My initial trial studies suggested that certain environmental parameters or conditions had to be in place. These earlier conditions are now replaced by online learning through the adoption of device screens.

My former writings have cautioned about too much screen time with visual images can create an inverse auditory memory transfer needed for conceptualization. Screen time should couple not only with concept practice, but inherent strategies that include widely adopted note taking and visualization coupled with self-talk while slowly increasing the difficulty measures through a variety of lessons.

 Deciding to recognize, understand, and adopt, long-term visual with auditory memory integration transfer is your first important step towards personal growth and professional progress.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

The New Reality of Personal Development


Personalized Development, as we have always known it, is being revamped, morphed, into new online realities. Training departments have ceased to exist as the new reality is online learning. If an internal course requires quick internal learning, a staff member is selected to produce a PowerPoint lesson, quickly, and spend a couple of off hours to present it.

 In the educational world, routine, online, personal development is required by both the state and many school districts. The business world now focuses on re-skill and up-skill learning.  Advanced training becomes the new workforce status requirement, as there is a large shortage of technical workers who can successfully follow procedures quickly and accurately. New information must be imparted, but how? And, if created, will there be enough gained subject matter retention to make training time practical and worthwhile?

 Many companies and schools can not incorporate new learning applications during assigned work hours, as there is already highly scheduled job responsibilities.

 Yet, new online applications must be instilled quickly to create the much needed, proficient workforce. Not to mention that eager course sign-ups following a days’ work, may be hard to come by. Subsequently, an employee must see additional personal benefits for the extra time involvement.

 Some work employees or school teachers can elect to take up-skilling training during personal breaks, if the app fits into the allocated break time framework.

 Okay, how will this much-needed learning practice come about? Several factors must be in place:

 - The applicant must determine long, lasting personal benefits, at low, or no personal cost

-  Enhances job certification

-  Online training must be fast, easy, and in short time blocks

-  No guidebook, manuals, or homework should be necessary

-  Lessons begins with short, easy, steps to gain confidence and momentum

-  Improvement is recognizable to the participant and team members

-  The new process app can be added to existing dashboards

- Recognition that a new app enhances further development, promotional options  and advanced job roles

     And finally, any new product must have a data-backed success rate to ensure the trainee that the process is worth the time involvement spent.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Clinical Deep Learning Practice Applied

 No Magic Bullet or Quick Fix:  

Procedural Learning Objectives


Jan Kuyper Erland


 Summative Observations of a Data-Driven Framework:

Continuous anecdotal data science applications created some interesting observations. With perplexing longitudinal results with all ages showing gains of various cognitive functioning levels, I began to investigate these differences between individuals and yet, the results had mysteriously maintained not only post years latently through diagnostic follow up assessments, but maintained for decades, as evidenced by continuing circumstantial reports of impressive, continuing high career status.

 Yet, these data phenomena, under certain application-environmental provisions, would be routinely expected.

 Many of the following factors are routinely studied post treatment and verified by cognitive scientists, and should be under continued review at this juncture.

 Clinical anecdotal records revealed the following objectives initially and in subsequent years:

Both performance and mental attitude changed positively for many, not only during the course, but following due, most in all probability, to neuronal rapid, continued flexibility.

Results showed steady growth with all learning levels, but varied among individual subjects.

Results revealed larger growth by treatment groups than a gifted control groups and alternate media activity control groups.

Results were one-two years latent with challenging conditions, and these learners required immediate and semi-annual on-going refreshers.

 Average profiles varied in the outcome results. Some appeared to be suddenly “popped to the very high levels”, while others waxed according to their current brain’s proficiency wiring reflecting daily mental habits.

 As my master thesis indicated; puppets had the same “star” modeling influence power as did peer- team mates.[i]

 Long term memory transfer bridging to critical thought was the most difficult to improve, and required more intense, continuing working memory practice and, with reading and higher order thinking.

Results maintained when eagerly adopted and accepted by the client through the modeling routines.

Peer team models are the important factor for not only overall program acceptance, but for rehearsal spoken timing and pacing.

The deep phonological rehearsal verbal training may have affected the generalization outcomes reported in the research and published higher reading and math scores. [ii]

Intense verbal practice while viewing rotating, timed images and sounds impact working short term sequential memory leading to auditory-visual integration; a requirement for reading comprehension.

Subsequently, the reader must have a fundamental understanding, at the contextual level, for comprehending rigorous texts. To meet the top criteria of the Hierarchy of Thinking Model’s Critical Thought, [iii] this layer must be in place.



[i]  Erland, J. K. (1980, October) Vicarious Modeling Using Peers and Puppets with Learning Disabled Adolescents. © 1980. The University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas.

[ii]  Erland, J. K. (1999, Fall) Brain-Based Accelerated Learning and Cognitive Skills Training Using Interactive Media Expedites High Academic Achievement. The Journal of Accelrerated Learning and Teaching24, 3&4.

[iii]  Erland, Hierarchy of Thinking. Published in 1999 International Alliance of Learning’s monograph. Brain-Based Accelerated Learning and Cognitive Skills Training Using Interactive Media Expedites High Academic Achievement. 24, 3&4. pp.12-14.



Thursday, November 11, 2021

Sequenced Details: Working Memory Expansion - Your Best Mental Skill Created

Every moment of our day is rushed, serial. Each event becomes part of a singular-one-piece, holistic grid, creating unbearable tension, pressure, and stress.

Enveloped with daily fast driving, quick texting, constant, communicative blunders and demands, our thoughts become disrupted. We hurry, multi-task, resolve problems, issues; but, with a holistic, one-track mind. We remain fixated, less productive, in our daily routines.

Unwittingly, we create our own frantic, strange inner world that seldom interfaces with the outside hurried, demanding world. There is never enough time to enjoy life as we would like. Exhausted, we need and want some kind of relief.  Can a strategically trained mind, with sequential thought, become liberated, finding new, focused self-assurance,  even possible?            

Solution: We can upgrade ourselves to be a sharper, more autonomous, individual by applying strategic working memory training. [1] We can transition to a methodical mindset capability by applying detail awareness, through sequenced, chunked-coded, information. [2]  Series of step-wise operations require focused speed and accuracy. This will add not only proficiency to our tasks, but create a calm, methodical, mindset.

Thirty years ago, I wrote a similar, but technical article, on this same venue, [3]  and now sorely see the disastrous, dangerous, outcome of detail issues that are routine now, in all academic and professional fields.

Change Can and Should Begin Early

The best scenario is to begin sharp cognition enhancement early on. If young and teenage students become routinely aware of their own learning brain skill strengths and weaknesses, like athletes and musicians know their improvement goals, mental enhancement then becomes an habitual, ongoing process. [4]

The school learning process has always been a chicken/egg – ying/yang question as to why the student was not learning the content (lack of motivation, behavioral), or poor teaching (poor choice of lesson applications, or lack of class control). Subsequently, many children may wade through the academic process, unknowingly with cognitive shortcomings, and then, as adults, must create their own upward mobility through determination, insight, and courage through advanced education and training.  

And then, to find they have the same cognitive weaknesses that can further decline with age.

An old adage: “The Devil is in the Details”

You might say; “Why should I care about detail errors – I get paid anyway. Even double, with constant re-work.”

Yet, even with this faulty logic, steps can not be omitted, or the entire operational system fails. The end consumer pays. Mental, procedural skill abilities are now in high demand. We can interface with this demand, by showing awareness of, and then applying, good logical-sequential, solutions to avoid, or rapidly correct, these routine detail errors.

Understanding detail function is your  best career route, as supervisors notice your proficiency ;evel. And, you could spend years spinning your tires at low wages, job uncertainty, unnecessarily.

Working Memory Recognized and Understood
There are two primary memory and cognition processing types: visual and auditory-listening memory, (details and sequential). [5] Optimally, they should work in sync. Working in tandem cerates conceptualization, with understanding, and higher thought levels. There are sub-ordering categories within each type: words, letters, numbers, and sentences. [6] Subsequently, integrated visual and listening sequencing is the root of all academic and technical learning: following oral and written directions, reading writing, spelling and math.

Use it or Lose it with Continual Detail Workouts: Pills Will Not Create Sequences

 You can;
1) practice with the many existing, online, memory exercise routines like athletes and musicians do. But, they have their own specific practice drills, as they expect continued drill and practice as basics of their discipline, for excelling and maintaining performance edge.  

Or, 2) engage in a researched, data-evidenced, sequencing-skill building program, offering your own personal outcomes. You can use practice routines as a family, or within other group units.

A Numerical Practice Sample

Continued rehearsal practice can jump start your working memory for increased strength and capacity.  As a former “Mind and Brain - Vision” Kansas City chapter editor, and national contributor for the Association of Training and Development, (ASTD, Now, ATD, The Association for Development Talent), I wrote about the necessary skills of brain building through detail-sequencing: “Building a More Powerful Brain”. [7] All operational procedures, as in computer programming, technical skills, business management, or surgical routines, are a series of coded details and spans.

You may discover that keeping numerical figures straight, while listening to feedback instructions during data entry situations, is particularly difficult.  Additionally, many of us can not apply telephone numbers without looking.  We have most of the numbers we routinely use, entered into our cell phones. But, there may be non routine telephone numbers to enter at times. And, we generally look at them.

Okay then, let’s practice a few simple chunked number spans to improve our numerical sequencing.  Have someone read the number series to you, so you do not see the text.  Since telephone numbers are easy seven spans, try saying a few both forward and in reverse.  Scanning backward will help you visualize the numerical placement to avoid transposing. Then say it forward again. You can find many similar online practice games like this example.

Say this number series:  932-4737

Now in reverse:  7374-239

Repeat the correct number series forward:  932-4737

Here are two more.  Now, you can create your own as you drive home or to work:

1)          832-4787

2)         239-5782

You can now start developing your own sequencing skill, working memory, with continued practice. Mental toughness improvement can also soon be achieved through Mem-ExSpan’s short, online, practice sessions applying puppetry, comedy, acting, and music.   

Mental skill sequencing awareness and change gives ultimate job and career-choices for autonomous, life-long, personal freedom.

Jan Kuyper Erland, is a Performance Analyst, Content Development Researcher, and Intervention Specialist for Mem-ExSpan, Inc. 

[1] Erland, J. K. (1999). Retraining cognitive abilities: A longitudinal study. Journal for Accelerated Learning and Teaching, 14. 1. 3-42. (ERIC ED #436 962).

[2]  Erland, J. K. (c 1989). Hierarchy of Thinking. Mem-ExSpan, Inc.

[3]  Erland, J. K. (1992). Cognitive skills training improves listening and visual memory for academic and career success. Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching. 20. 1. ERIC Clearinghouse (ED #353 286).

[4] Erland, J. K. (© 2008). unpublished document. Five Generations, 27-years of Iterative Brain-Based Accelerative Learning Experimentation, Demonstrate Cognitive Skill Improvement Enhances Academic Achievement and Career Goals.

[5] Guilford, J. P. (1986). Creative talents: Their nature, uses, and development. Buffalo, NY: Bearly Ltd.

[6] Woodcock, R. W. & Johnson, M. (3rd ed. 2001, 1989, 1977). Tests of Cognitive Ability: Psycho educational battery. Hingham, MA: Teaching Resources Corp. Standard and Supplemental Batteries Examiner’s Manual. Allen, TX. DLM. 

[7] Erland, J. K. (Winter 1998-1999). Building a More Powerful Brain. Performance in Practice. ASTD. pp.13-14. (ERIC ED #439 445).

Saturday, September 18, 2021

When Things Get Tough, Blossom through a Flexible, Creative Mindset


In an overly difficult world we now live in, we need to move forward with empathy and understanding for each other, blooming with a flexible mindset. Tough times, like a pandemic, can overwhelm, even painfully gripping, the most devoted, talented parent/educator with student instructional demands that should reveal positive improvement outcomes.

Having taught many puppetry workshops in the Kansas City area, it became my open door to the creativity process. You might consider applying creative puppetry to your classes as a learning tool. There are many online examples and options.

Accessing your own talents is your open doorway to connecting with learners positively, happily, and reach self-actualization in the process. But, you might ask – how can I do this? It does take time and patience, but I can relate my unusual story, as an example of making worthy progress in bettering lives.

Creating and Realizing Your Inner Mindset

A mindset takes inner resolve of taking action through mental planning. Many teachers and parents feel they have enough to do with student/classroom management without trying to figure out new, creative activities, or wade through the best online applications for every subject. It simply is not their bag when their hands are full enough. There can be simply too many hourly demands. Now, you can decide to expand your mind to energize your own inner resolution that will give you endless hope joy, and peace of mind.

Jump Into Action Tips

1. Spring your own ideas from inspiring, moving, reading/media material.

2. Follow your own inner intuition, rather than including outside influences, to create your personalized mindset. Agreeing with others’ comments, opinions, or criticisms will affect your own creative process. Competing derails your own originality.

3. Use trial and error. Experiment, and then adjust as needed on following days. Have fun with different variations. Make it your own game plan.

4. Build and elevate. Subsequently, your creativity will build more and more, bit by bit, just like mine did into a crescendo, for a new, fluid, mindset.

How Did I Develop a Creative Mindset?     

As a first year teacher, I had a forward looking, enthusiastic, mindset graduating from college early, ready to teach, and create a positive, happy, day for eager learners. Taking a second grade position, with a wide variety of disabilities in my own generational background, I knew that I wanted to address each child independently with as much undivided time and attention as I could possibly muster. Subsequently, I soon had five individual reading groups at different levels for several years in the teaching profession.

For my student teaching practicums, I had understudied with an amazingly creative veteran first grade teacher who taught through poetry. Then, I also did practice teaching the following semester with a traditional, second grade veteran. I hated every minute of it, and decided then and there I would apply art and science methodologies that included music, drama, story- telling, and poetry that I was highly proficient in. The days would brighten. But, I was not certain how I would do it, as diverting from “old school” teaching methods was not the norm.

Accessing my music-speech-drama-science-literature studies background, I began designing special activities to encompass a large variety of learning levels and abilities. Nonetheless, I soon found myself with a school principal that welcomed creativity in a progressive school district. Students applied reading, spelling, language and math learning into writing poetry, songs and dramatic plays. This progressed to combining all subject matter into one dramatic musical episode for parents, teachers, and admin. Soon, I became recognized for giving end-of-semester auditorium performances.

As a family also enjoying books, poetry, music, and science, we soon created a charming puppet play with a home-made stage and hand puppets, for a summer church school event.

An enthusiastic church troupe formed, and we toured nursing homes, facilities for those with special needs, and offered public grade school musical events. Elderly, disabled, patrons often waited an hour in anticipation of our amusing “Teddy Bears’ Picnic” puppet show. 

Meeting a Wood-Carving Puppeteer Strapped in Performance History

While touring with the clever “The Teddy Bear’s Picnic”, I was asked if I had met the local puppeteer, Foy Brown, whose livelihood was a fireman who carved ventriloquist puppets in off moments. He had grown up with a father who traveled nationally to the New York stage, as an entertainer and wood carver at the turn of the 20th century.

Foy Brown lived near our high school.  Enchanted with this history, I purchased the first two puppets. Enjoying his ongoing carving process, I made another upcoming purchase, “Professor Do Little Higgins”.

Foy introduced me to another nationally recognized, vaudeville/Hollywood stage performer, Lucile Elmore, who sold Lily La Teur to me. This created the puppet ensemble necessary to create our “Voco Poco Puppets” advertising productions.

Foy’s and her enthusiasm had become contagious for my family of three children who wrote the scripts, created costumes, lighting, and set designs, as done earlier. We now had three large ventriloquist wooden puppets that sang and had silly, comeuppance story lines, accompanied by my 12-year old son playing the electric piano. Soon, we found ourselves as a big show stopper with advertising demands for the then trendy shopping malls and department stores, for every holiday imaginable.

We gathered large crowds of hundreds enjoying our unique ventriloquist puppets. Noticing that the puppets caught fixated attention, I began wondering if they might be good role models for my teaching with special needs children, as a learning disability teacher.

Lucile attended our productions and was enthralled with our family show.  I enjoyed her ventriloquism lessons with my ongoing vocal studies. When she passed away, I sat behind her attorney at her funeral. He was with a little ventriloquist wooden, Hollywood studio-made puppet, a red-haired, little boy, stage-named Butch O’Malley. Surprisingly, she had bequeathed me Butch, of her early Hollywood 1930s, stage show tours.

When the attorney presented Butch, he announced, “Lucille knew you would do something important with him, and would prevent his storage in a box lost in a museum (that did happen with many of the early puppeteer performers’ stage puppets, props). I was not only astounded, but deeply touched. 

My classroom teaching segwayed into research projects with small, homogonous, group instruction in a home studio. This created my own research and content development company, Mem-ExSpan, Inc. The cognitive skills research and practice work indicated that the lessons required filming for scalable, sustainable, expansion. The Voco Poco Puppets family team created the initial home-filmed lesson segments for test site application, decades ago. Updated filming became paramount, now a reality.

Thirteen national test sites were set up through research and low cost availability. In-depth individualized, standardized cognitive and academic assessments formed remarkably large data pools. This in-depth assessment, evaluations, and data analyses for a wide wage of ages and demographic groups explained the extraordinary, novel methodology. Participants were pleased as they obtained unusual, yet visibly apparent, assessment and outcome results in a short period of time at low cost. Thousands benefited and blossomed.

Throughout this endeavor, I remained in scholarly class work at the University of Kansas, a nearby campus.  Applied research in a variety of settings, was my noteworthy, enwrapped focus.  Testing company executives, the Educational Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton, NJ, and professors, doctoral students, from five different universities joined and worked on the pre-digital data outcomes. I wrote scientific articles that were submitted to journals, juried, published, and eventually received awards as landmark research having completed 5 longitudinal research reports.

This is my story, as to how a flexible mind set created inspirational, lasting, teaching methods, now completed. Never give up. Give it a try and see. What will your self- empowerment story be?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Selecting Electronic Tablet Devices: Questions To Ponder "

Introduction: There are many complex considerations to evaluate when purchasing the pricey tablet. 1) Purpose, 2) Operating System Platform Selection, 3) Cost, 4) Application Purchasing (Apps), and 5) Durability, Loss, and Replacement factors.

The very name of “tablet” denotes “simple reading and writing access”. This may be true, but there are many questions you should ask before investing in a tablet for yourself or your child.

To begin with, with the iPad – tablet craze, there are many versions out there for a variety of skill levels. It is becoming a tablet revolution as new operating systems emerge to compete with Apple’s commanding iOS, and now their new O X "Mountain Lion" operating system interface coming out soon.

The tablet device is now being purchased alongside other screen multiples that the average household contains: televisions, desktops, netbooks, laptops, and Smart Phones. To be more accurate, each individual, man, woman and child can each own, and divide their time, between several types of screens, in multiples. They are even being adapted into our automobiles. Even, Internet TV is here.

Tablets are a revolution touch learning device, as students can read and learn new material with the tap of a finger, as young as at the age of three. If you are an adult or teen who has been using a Smart Phone for years, transferring to the touch screen interface will be simple. Tablets seem like an outsized “Smart Phone”, with touch icons, and they give you the larger screen size. The various applications are understood, and where they take you for what you need to know.

There is a question as to how “heavy-duty” the tablet is for intensive business functional document usage, and making presentations, or whether it is best in classrooms or households. To compare the use of a desktop PC and a tablet: With the Windows PC you have to deal with start menus, mice opening and closing specified windows, boot-up time, and directories. It becomes a computer session.

With the tablet device, you launch an application, and you're using that app immediately. That's it. You don't have to teach computer or keyboarding use in order to use the Math or Reading application. And, it is small, highly portable. That is a big difference.

Screen Convergence: Apple, seeing the multiple screen inconvenience, has created a new operating system, OS X called “Mountain Lion”, with accompanying software to interface the iPhone, iPad, Mac desktop, and laptop to merge all screens interactively. They are working on the ability to view desktop apps as icons in an iPhone-like grid. The new Mac software will support a feature called “Air-Play Mirroring”, connecting images of the iPhone, iPad to the user’s television screen, through a $99 Apple TV device.

Subsequently, you will need to consider how you will divide your time between all of the multiple interactive screens you, and your family, own and operate both at home and away.

Five important key questions to consider when selecting a tablet and making a substantial investment:

First Question To Ask Yourself:

Decide on the purpose and skill level of the person using it. Will the tablet be for quick email communications, watching movies, listening to music, shopping the internet, or for classroom instruction? Can the household decision-makers agree on how time will be allocated between shopping and map surfing, presentations, watching movies and sporting events, social networking, conducting business operations, or for instructional usage?

Engaging heavily in any one interest or objective, as texting all day, is like living on potato chips; it is simply unhealthy and unproductive.

Skill Levels Vary Greatly in Dealing with Functions:

Everything from web and map searching, utilizing USB ports for backups, inserting head-phones, and microphones, downloading apps, and uploading to the clouds requires technical knowledge and performance skills.

Unfortunately, some tablets, like the current Apple iPad, do not have a USB ports to transfer data, or print, except to the clouds, or with a transfer cord to a laptop/desktop/printer. Be sure to check this important feature when you shop tablets.

Second Question:

Operating System Choices and Platform Considerations:

Decide, or have someone decide for you, which operating system (OS) you want to go with. You may want to bundle for better value. Although the Apple iOS now controls 90% of the market share, Android, Hewlett Packard’s Linux OS, and Windows 7 are fighting for positioning.

Be aware that multiple category screen interfaces are in the works for companies, but Apples new OS X "Mountain Lion" has a jump start coming out this year.

Onlive, Inc. has recently released an Apple OS free version of Microsoft Office (MS) – the productivity tools of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, called “On-Live Desktop”. There are still concerns with the mismatch of the touch interface as MS Office was designed for keyboard and mouse.

There has been criticism regarding the Windows 7 Operating System (OS) not doing well on tablets compared to the desktop.

Make sure you do research for your Learning Management System (LMS) instructional requirements and whether you need Adobe Flash Streaming capabilities.

The Google, Windows, and Blackberry Android OS may become favorites as they incorporate Adobe Flash Player. In April 2010, Hewlett Packard (HP) acquired Palm’s web Linux operating system called webOS. The HP TouchPad tablet offers webOS – including Adobe Flash features, and will be released July 1, 2012 at competitive iPad price points.

Although the iPad – iPhone Operating System has not supported Adobe Flash Player which many Learning Management Operating Systems (LMS) require, they have launched a new Media Streaming Server 4.5 for $995 at an Amsterdam trade show.

The Adobe Flash Media Interactive Server 4.5 is $4500.

Third Question:

Price Point and Monthly Fees. When purchasing a tablet, there are many price points from under one hundred bucks up to one thousand dollars. Also, consider service providers’ policies and bundling with your Smart phone. Don’t forget to compare monthly costs for tablet operation. Monthly data fees range from $20 to $80 per month.

With planned obsolescence, you will want to change tablets for ones with newer features. Be aware that your service provider may lock you in for the life of the tablet. When dealing with obsolescence – who will trade them in, and when?

Fourth Question:

Application (APP) Purchase: For home use, who will be the decision maker in buying applications, and what research tools will they use? For classroom learning, who will decide on what apps to buy – where will the budget come from? For educational purposes, will it be a unanimous budget decision by the school building administrators or teachers, or by grades with appointed team-units?

Subsequently, how will the apps be downloaded and launched by younger students? In a classroom environment will all students launch them simultaneously, during break periods, or by the teacher – how? Will the steps and procedures be reviewed to save time and frustration?

Now, with Android and SMS apps, you can both send and receive text messages and calls with Skype and Google voice on some tablets. Check this feature when buying.

Fifth Question:

Durability, Loss and Replacement Cost. Research durability features and how the tablet device is designed. Electronics can be an expensive investment for any age, but particularly for young children who are not certain how to use them effectively, and are known to drop and break things easily. Durability selection will be an important choice.

I known those who left their tablet device on an airplane seat to find it disappeared. Decide if you can afford to replace it, if necessary. How will breakage and repair be handled? Replace the tablet with a new one, or rush to the repair store?

Instructional Usage:

The highly portable, light tablet can be used in all sectors of instruction: primary, secondary, college, or workplace learning. Costing less than textbooks, tablet sales into schoolrooms are expected to escalate over the next year. Subsequently, parents are wondering whether to invest in them for their youngsters’ usage at home.

On the tablet, learning becomes integrated with sound and text. Reading is now interactive and dynamic. Visualized actions are now replaced by stories that come alive with animations and sounds on the color touch screen. Does this activate their brain-room for their own imagination to grow? This question is answered in that it will depend. There is a big difference in the personalities, attention spans, and capabilities between children and the environments in which they live.

Yet, this learning must be directed, as attention spans for most children are short. Students can play fast games, but when applying tablets for instructional use with reading, math, and spelling, lessons must be parent supervised and managed. Questions must be carefully thought out and answered through automated tracking systems.

Tablets are ideal for displaying a variety of content to learners to explain concepts. This allows for differentiated learning, as pacing and timing are critical. Instructors can carry the tablet and move around learning areas to monitor student’s progress and make important adjustments to work.

Written Instruction Interfaces.

It is also to be determined how tapping out individual letters on a weak touch keyboard contributes to solid written expression capability. Will fast sequencing ability and thought flow be as productive as working on a desktop, netbook, or laptop? Or, should they be used together in tandem as screens converge interactively?

Written drafts may have to be printed out of the clouds, unless the tablet has a USB port for a connected printer. Pen and ink may become an alien concept; cursive writing is also nearly non-existent. How will we add our signature when we open a bank account or sign legal documents? Will we sign our names with an “X”, tapping with a stylus, or resort to rubber stamps?

Written communication instruction will still remain paramount, and will need to be taught, with or without paper, moving to keyboards and screens, embracing tablet domination.

Here's a short list of kid-friendly tablet devices in a broad range of prices that you can find online:

Touch Screen Tablet Alternatives for Kids:

When you don’t want your kid to break your iPad and suddenly turn it into a $600 paper weight, there are less costly alternatives. With the younger child, with more limited interactive sequencing skills, a touch screen can be simple, yet you might consider tablet interfaces created specifically for this age group in mind – like V-Tech’s V-Reader or Learning Innotab with a small 5” screen, designed for learning how to download applications (apps) for ages 4-9, $79.

The Korean Nabi, $200 tablet offers apps for three Select Age Groups, (3-5, 6-8, 9-11). It is a nice alternative for the more expensive iPad, as it has a camera, 7” screen, an SD slot for games, an audio jack, with built in speakers and microphone. This tablet features lots of free apps, a Netflix app is built in, and there is a Nabi store.

As a $200 alternative for all ages, the Kindle Fire tablet offers books, music and Netflix movies on a 7” screen; 3.5 mm stereo audio jack, top-mounted stereo speakers and a USB port.

Finally, Personal Well-Being: Isometric Finger Tension Considerations:

For daily student classroom usage, spending hours hovering over a tablet raises questions regarding back, finger, and eye-strain tensions.

Tapping too hard isn’t the only concern, research studies warn that simply holding fingers rigidly over the surface in anticipation of touches causes “isometric tension,” which presents even more problems for your finger muscles and tendons. The study also points out the double-edged sword of high-resolution screens, which might make for clearer images, but also cause smaller fonts that strain the eyes.

Recommendations are to avoid bending at the neck or back to use a tablet device and, if possible, connect it to a physical keyboard.

The jury is out on many of these tablet device questions, technology is moving forward rapidly, but they are something to be considered, and to think about now, as you select your purchase.