Monday, May 6, 2024

Film-work Realized

 A long, seven-year film production process, teamed with Scott Adam Walker, photogapher and sound engineer, was finally completed recently on April 30th. The Bridge to Achievement entity was realized in an upgraded format.

Early 2021 editing, Jan & Scott

The complex project entailed an updated high defination compilation of my earlier filmed video and audio tapes, with matched instructional manuals, used in field testing.

The Bridge to Achievement program consists of 43 years of inclusiveincubated practice.

Re-filming the ventriloquist puppets was no easy task, as it required dubbing of the multiple sounds at different pitches and pacing that looped. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) could not have replicated the task, due to the great variety of overlapping, timing elements.

Esarlier cognitive training entailed lengthy learner participation, ranging from one hour to 90 minutes. The newly streanlined prctice sessions  are left up to the learner until they realize their own strengthened memory spans. 

Improved listening is paramount.

The filmed lessons range a short 13-24 minutes, not including the participants' practice (like athletics and music rehearsals).

The Bridge to Achievement is an important realization for those wanting personal sharpness with high performance without medical, drug dependence.