"The Best Conditions Became Evident at the Right Moment"
My previous blogs offered my
personal stories to encourage the application of creativity, as I did successfully that results in
enthusiastic, engaged learners.
Then, obtaining unusual outstanding results with my students/clients, solid longitudinal data verification was deemed necessary authentication.
This outcome revealed any type of action puppet can be noteworthy for instruction to motivate current non-focused, screen-addicted, students having weak listening memory.
And then, convert earlier filmed lessons, as a live data collecting prototype, to an easy- to- use, high-quality, stand-alone-deliverable product.
Now, everyone is in front of a cell-phone lens, taking multitudes of self-absorbed “selfies” every few hours.
Yet for me, it was not a spontaneous, reactive occurrence, because it was then 1941, and 8 mm silent movie cameras were rare, new, products, available only for the invested person.
But, we became one, using Kodacolor movie film. Family members were often the subject matter in the home stage environment.
family 1970s puppet show staging followed naturally with lighting instruction
offered by the
A freshly engaged, novice, photographer and sound editor, put the studio production into slow, steady, forward gear, as there were many sound and lighting considerations.
He soon realized increased dedication to this immense, ongoing, project.
It was a high-risk endeavor, and I never thought we would get beyond the first 3 or 4 lessons. Subsequently, I was agreeable with the initial slow production set-up pace.
I had become a multi-vocal puppeteer who could readily switch vocals with the required timed pacing. This aspect eliminated the need to hire several puppeteers with additional film production staff.
And, most importantly, it would be the same photographer, not rotating ones trying to learn the complex choreographed, panning system.
My small filming-sound studio was now soon complete with computers/screens. As if my magic, we gradually finalized over 3 - 6,000 lesson segments through countless takes and retakes. An early-effort, 2 minute segment, had up to 13 retakes of my vocals with constant staging challenges.
We re-filmed the first eight lessons several
times, because the practiced filming and puppetry improvement was noticeable.
In a culture of pill-popping, as an easier solution than mental, action workouts, the re-filmed lessons run from a brief 10- minutes up to 24, averaging 16. The participant applies resilient, cognitive, whole-brain responses and interaction.
Workouts give feelings of exhilaration and pleasure
Hopefully, this article will encourage others to engage with in-depth, meaningful, projects that offer insightful well-being and accomplishment.