Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Memory Development for Me


 Many would call my personal rewards luck. I call it my personal blessings, as evidenced by this recent November photo of myself enveloped in a rainbow by my kitchen window.

Never dreaming that my training initiative would benefit myself, as well as others, this realization came as a Christmas surprise.

The sudden rainbow of colors on me created a sense of wonderment.

Although Taylor Swift has recently discussed her early teen ambitions, my aim in assisting others developed early as a child. Not only did I want to help others, but I wanted to be a writer as the conduit element.

 There was an oxymoron problem: I did not have the cognitive ability to write with high acumen; let alone design and develop a memory program.

 Yes, like Taylor, I had ambition; but with limited talent to write effectively.

Now, with my own thrust with my own prescribed memory and cognitive auditory transfer training, the efforts have proved out in spades within three dynamic levels:

     1.                  the ability to manage my own
                complex health procedures for
                56 years to remain healthy.

2.                  the ability to team-work for complex film sound and video procedures to complete an arduous, demanding project.

3.                  to quickly understand, follow, and manage complex household    procedures, avoiding timely over-charge details.

Like many, I have much to be thankful for this holiday season, and offer this wish to the rest of you reading this commentary.