Monday, May 1, 2023

Following Oral and Written Directions


Following Oral and Written Directions[1]

 By Jan Kuyper Erland

My former articles have related on my 5-generational researched and developed puppetry film project. Artificial Intelligence (AI) could try to mimic The Bridge to Achievement’s (BTA) layered components effectively. 

But, are positive longitudinal cognitive outcomes with AI possible?

That will be determined through heavy data mining. 

Subsequently, this article will review the root of my long research project, which was my 1980 University of Kansas masters project. The design reviewed whether puppets or peer models could enhance the ability to follow oral directions.

The outcome showed that peers and puppets were equally effective as role models in delivering instructional directions. And, with further research assessment applications at thirteen test sites, the ability to follow procedural instructions maintained over time.

And, that visual and auditory integration were necessary cognitive components in the process. They should work at the same speed level for understanding to ensue. 

But, unfortunately, the advancement of multi-screen addiction has changed all of that, as we become more and more visually oriented.

We wind up with hard wired visual speed with quick images.

 Additionally, many brain games measure visual memory speed primarily, in repeated replicated – isolated patterns, but are not integrated with listening memory. 

As a result, we now experience national low school reading and math scores underscored with thr inability to follow procedures.  Screen skill speed games may be the culprit, dumbing down the brain. 

Inadvertently, a skilled workforce shortage results that can not follow or remember detailed instructions and procedures.

Inadvertently, we achieve the inverse of what we are trying to accomplish through heavy visual adherance. We pull the visual memory segment faster, and out of sync with the overly needed auditory processing.

The two memories, then, do not integrate properly for applied conceptualization.

Unfortunately, the critical auditory memory transfer process has been overlooked.

Data Outcomes Summary

Rumelhart, D. E., McClelland, J. and the PDP Research Group. (1986).  Parallel distributed processing:  Explorations in the micro structure of cognition.  Cambridge, MA: MIT Press    

Erland, Janis L. (February 4, 1986; copyright TXu 225 862). Contrapuntal Thinking and Definition of Sweeping Thoughts.

Erland, J. K. (1980). Vicarious modeling using peers and puppets with learning disabled adolescents in following oral directions. The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Erland, J.  K.  (Fall, 1998).  Cognitive skills and accelerated learning memory training using interactive media improves academic performance in reading and math.  Journal of Accelerative Learning and Teaching,  23, (3 & 4), 3-57.

Erland, J. K. (© 2008). Downloadable, unpublished report. Five Generations, 27-years of iterative Brain-Based Accelerative Learning Experimentation Demonstrate Cognitive Skill Improvement Enhances Academic and Career Goals. (https://memspan/jalt).

5 Erland, J. K. (Fall 2000). Brain-Based Longitudinal Study Reveals Subsequent High Academic Achievement Gain for Low-Achieving, Low Cognitive Skills, Fourth Grade Students. Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching. 25, (3&4) pp.5-48. ERIC ED # 453-553. & # CS 510 558. ineducation/jankuypererland pages 277, 41.

Erland J. K. (c 1989), Hierarchy of Thinking. Mem-ExSpan, Inc.



Thursday, February 23, 2023

AI and the Human Mind: Our Third Brain?

AI and the Human Mind: Our Third Brain? [1]

 By Jan Kuyper Erland


Recently, having completed my 5-generational researched and developed puppetry film project, it is prudent to discuss the threat of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it might mimic The Bridge to Achievement’s (BTA) layered components effectively.

The Irony of The Bridge to Achievement’s lengthy project: How AI mechanical images and sound may affect any completed project output in unknown objectionable ways, yet could have assisted greatly with the long, arduous writing and procedural details process. [2]

Comparing our own vocal/musical sounds compared with Open AI mechanical sounds

 The mechanical written sentences and vocals can be easily captured through ChatGPT. Pitch, rhythm, and pace could be copied easily by AI; but intonation and emotional expression is questionable. Attitudes may be hidden.

Subsequently, unique talent can become difficult to imitate fully. The inner personality is not like the original spirit. Specialized talent’s feelings and nuances become  difficult to convey mechanically.

Spoken and musical phrasing is unique to the speaker’s voice. It can be interpreted a special way according to the mental rhythm of the intoned speech. Two singer’s or actor’s voices may replicate sound through AI similarly, but the replication would not create the same layered tonal quality, sensation, through emotional, meaningful intent.

 AI versus Human Language Considerations

For example, prosody and phonological awareness has adapted mechanical sound variations by Siri chat and in various listening pathology treatments for simple, direct communicative value. Yet, the BTA offers multiple, complex, dramatic looping variations for upskilling capabilities uniquely and artistically. 

 AI Written Work Productivity

CEOs are bombarded with tech app requests to streamline written work procedures and project demands with AI. Unfortunately, there are multiple constraints: algorithms take time to develop, are costly to build as each factor has variables. To complicate the situation, there are few data scientists available to fill the roles, let alone convey reasonable expectations and outcomes.

That being said, how will the written sentence convey consistent, intended messaging with logic and reasoning?  Unfortunately, ChatGBT platforms can convey misinformation leading to a myriad of personal and legal entanglements. This aspect will be determined in written evaluative discourse within future data outcomes.

[1]  Hao, J, Cutter, C., and Morenne, B, (February 20, 2023). From CEOs to Coders, Employees Experiment with New AI Programs. New York, NY, The Wall Street Journal. TECH. pp.1-7.

[2] Erland, J. K. (© 2008). Downloadable, unpublished report. Five Generations, 27-years of iterative Brain-Based Accelerative Learning Experimentation Demonstrate Cognitive Skill Improvement Enhances Academic and Career Goals. (https://memspan/jalt). 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Elusive, Rational Cognition

                                 Found Through Deep Learning Rehearsal Practice


The Universal Problem:

My former article “Think Twice” discussed how visual and auditory memory integration (necessary for deep understanding/comprehension) becomes elusive with too much addictive screen time adherence. We all “obey” with compulsivity our screens. Marketing strategies depend upon our compulsive natures that we will react instantly to their clever lures.

 Subsequently, integrated long-term memory transfer becomes critical for optimum decision making. Case in Point Example:  Recently three international development giants were engulfed with their own power-ego and screen lure that they lost billions with inept decision making. This can happen anywhere, any time for anybody. Common sense may go by the wayside.

Visual and auditory memories should always be in sync to transfer to long-term understanding.  Unfortunately, the more we rapidly fire our way through visual screens, cells, tablets, desk tops, TVs, our listening (auditory) memory becomes latent. Our visual memory becomes “in charge” of us.

Therefore, it is important for you to realize and understand the consequences of your actions, and how long-term-memory integration factors play into them, and in your life. For example, you may find yourself “fired” from your job, as it takes 3-4 times the effort to complete an assignment or project; you are  constantly yelling, nagging your kids because they don’t listen and follow directions like you thought they should have done.

 The Solution: Innovative, progressive learning over 20-24 input hours.

 But, which one? Necessary criteria for deep, solid attention and retention:

1.         Musical, rhythmical comedy is a good option to obtain fixed attention for deep learning,

2.         Consecutive practice is the next requirement.

3.         The lessons must then build on each other in difficulty level with purpose.

4.         Then, the learner must see their own progressive improvement, and keep going.

5.         Finally, the rhythmic visual and sound adherence will re-formulate one’s brain cognition and  integration. Improvement is “not a quick fix”, but you will see improvement gradually, peaking in a year or two.

 This article can help you recognize and resolve your insidious limitations, so you can take action to alleviate stress and confusion.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Think Twice

Memory (Listening) Transfer Awareness


Many of us are familiar with the big variety of brain games designed for visual working memory speed. Unfortunately, they do not measure long term memory transfer, visual and auditory, needed to understand, and retain, in-depth meanings when learning new material.

 Also referenced as deep learning memory, or brain knowledge transfer, it becomes vital for remembering math and science operations and reading comprehension. These fundamental academics underlie the ability to follow procedures and instructions in many professional arenas.

 Seldom does a single game application address all cognitive processing pieces simultaneously. Multiple training programs address “one-at- a- time” training of each perceptual processing unit. Specific cognitive skills training will initiate opening the door for additional long- term memory transfer applications. Keep in mind that there are a myriad of additional internal cognitive ability elements maintaining the overall learning and memory structure.

My writings for years have emphasized the need for visual and auditory integration, for following procedures, but there are additional properties often unnoticed; long term memory transfer, the basis for understanding/comprehending, retaining, and applying new information.

 Additionally, many brain games measure visual memory speed primarily, in repeated replicated – isolated patterns, but are not integrated with listening memory. Inadvertently, they are achieving the inverse of what they are trying to accomplish through visual memory training, by pulling the visual memory segment faster, and out of sync, with the overly needed auditory processing. The two memories, then, do not integrate properly for applied conceptualization.

 As a result, we now experience national low school reading and math scores. This is not only due to adherence to these autonomous, yet limited, skill practice screen games, but they inadvertently create a shortage of a skilled workforce that can not follow or remember detailed instructions and procedures, as the required auditory memory transfer practice unit had been overlooked.

We become horrified and baffled, blaming the problem on CoVid isolation with too many applications to sort through coupled with school/parent/business administrative issues.

I have referenced this transfer as: Deep Learning. My initial trial studies suggested that certain environmental parameters or conditions had to be in place. These earlier conditions are now replaced by online learning through the adoption of device screens.

My former writings have cautioned about too much screen time with visual images can create an inverse auditory memory transfer needed for conceptualization. Screen time should couple not only with concept practice, but inherent strategies that include widely adopted note taking and visualization coupled with self-talk while slowly increasing the difficulty measures through a variety of lessons.

 Deciding to recognize, understand, and adopt, long-term visual with auditory memory integration transfer is your first important step towards personal growth and professional progress.