Showing posts with label memspan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memspan. Show all posts

Sunday, July 2, 2023

A Case for Digital Transformation

Exploring Evidenced-Based-Data Results


Many products in development claim Evidence-Based-Data findings.

What is their data authenticity? What kind of testing, and by whom?

This article is in response to my previous “Proof is in the Pudding” discussion, where I self-monitored my internal responses in parallel to the participants’.

Subsequently, my former personal anecdotal review can be validated by lengthy clinical research findings.

Most product-building data collections, unfortunately, are heavily anecdotal, or computerized self-tests, rather than having rigorous scientific analyses.  

Participants can be assessed by informal tests in specific areas, by self or instructors.  Compilations then become compiled by doctoral, or representative students in labs, or by computerized selection formats.

The BTA has applied both types of assessment extensively, through 13 test sites with many 3rd party evaluators, testing companies, and institutions. 

The treatment outcomes included both criteria- referenced elements (continued to the present time), and highly recognized diagnostic standardized tests, monitored in depth by three independent testing companies, and five universities.

Although the confirmed results are precedingly dated, they remain substantive, as they were evaluated at so many assessment levels, with high level statisticians/evaluators, and circumstances.

Participant longitudinal data is hard to come by, as the learner often changes locations. Parochial schools are preferred, as students often move lock-step from grade- to- grade.

In the 2-Parochial school study, the goal was to determine if the results generalized to higher achievement scores. 

Out of 14 classrooms, only three adhered to implementation protocols and obtained results (two fourth grades and a 6
th grade).

These students, moved forward with new teachers, and were followed by assigned numbers for 2-4 years longitudinally, as long as they remained at the middle school level.

The implementation problem was embedded in the poor technical media applications available in 1996. 

Only three teachers could manage juggling video and audio tapes with an overhead projector, for 48 lessons on a daily basis. 

And, following heavy on-site teacher training, applying students’ handwriting on worksheets.

Surprisingly, these written worksheets, revealed important cognitive changes within the first 20 days.

Interestingly, the two schools with the 4th and 6th grades’ high results, elected to verify my outcomes with an independent testing company; Educational Testing Service (ETS) of Princeton, NJ.


The subsequent verification of my results indicated that I needed to wait for the right technology to emerge, even if it took a waiting time.

Broadband internet availability, with finding the right photographer/sound editor, who could incorporate the many embedded instructional layers into one brief, daily filming lesson, was crucial.

Then, hopefully, creating high fidelity, excellent phonological sound quality, with streamlined, engaging, and timing with puppetry.

Subsequently, I waited, and completed the problematic, on-going project’, now prepared for broader digital transformation.

Drahozal, E. (Vice President, Iowa Test of Basic Skills - ITBS testing service, personal communications, technical assistance, April 18, 1998, May 17, and May 27, 1999 and June 8, 1999). Ithaca, IL: Riverside Publishing Company.

Erland, J K. (c February 1986, 1989).  Contrapuntal Thinking and Definition of Sweeping Thoughts.  Lawrence, KS

Erland, J.  K.  (1994).  Analytical skills training through video-tape instruction develops higher-order thinking skills capability.  Journal of the Society for Accelerative Learning and Teaching, 19, (2), 155-227.

Erland, J . K. (1995).  Cognitive skills training improves listening and visual memory for academic and career success.  in ERIC Clearinghouse, Journal of Accelerative Learning and Teaching, 20, (1 & 2) 87-101.

Erland, J.  K.  (October 1997). Fitting into the high-performance workplace. The American Society For Training and Development. KC-ASTD’s VISION. p. 1

Erland, J.  K.  (Fall, 1998).  Cognitive skills and accelerated learning memory training using interactive media improves academic performance in reading and math.  Journal of Accelerative Learning and Teaching,23, (3 & 4), 3-57.

Erland, J. K.  (Spring, 1999).  High performance thinking counts.  Performance In Practice.  The American Society for Training and Development. and KC-ASTD’s VISION, February, 1999.

Erland, J.  K.  (Spring, 1999).  Brain-Based learning longitudinal study reveals solid academic achievement maintenance with Accelerated Learning practice.  Journal of Accelerative Learning and Teaching, 24, (1).

Erland, J. K. (Summer-Fall 2007). Five generations, 27-years of iterative experimentation demonstrates cognitive skill improvement enhances academic achievement and career goals.

Frisbie, D.  (Ed., ITBS, personal communication, technical assistance, June 10, 1998 and August 9, 1999). Iowa City, IA: Iowa Testing Service.

Hoover, H. D., Hieronymus, D. A. Frisbie, D. A., & Dunbar, S. B., (1993)  Iowa Tests of Basic Skills Content Classifications with Item Norms.  Complete/Core/Survey Batteries, Levels 5-14.  Form K.  Chicago, IL: The Riverside Publishing Company.

Riverside 2000. (1994). Iowa Tests of Basic Skills Integrated Assessment Program, Technical Summary I.   Chicago, IL: The Riverside Publishing Co.

Science Research Associates Standardized Achievement Testing (1985). Survey of Basic Skills. Chicago, IL: SRA.


Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Proof is in the Pudding

Carefully designed Cognitive Behavior Modification (CBM) (Meichenbaum, 1995,1977) techniques and strategies that included self-verbalization, mnemonic organization, modeling, and study skills still fell short of desired academic and career improvement, because some important foundation components were missing.

Many theoreticians, although looking at all the ramifications of the problem, were not focusing on an important issue; poor information processing capability, with deficient cognitive functions (J. P. Guilford,1967; Intelligence Theory, containing a 3-D Model of 128 various mental cubes).

Subsequently, we are each born with our own unique profile of underlying, high to low, information processing areas (Meeker, M. 1999; Gilford’s student), and distributed parallel processing, feedback loops (Erland, J. 1986, 1989), (Rumelhart and McClelland, 1986), which can dictate our daily endeavors.

Yet, alternative cognitve, intelligence theories address, and interface with 8 types of  experiential, personal, talent capabilities (Gardner, H. 2006). 

Unfortunately, many of us are not familiar with earlier, established scientific findings, and how they personally affect each one of us.

Severe deficiencies within multiple cognitive functions, may be termed learning disabilities, Dyslexia, or simply, under-functioning.

Weaker cognitive areas do not disappear with maturation or the passing of time, unless with an intervention.

Cognitive deficits may include inadequate visual and auditory sequential memory capability that ultimately interferes with the integration of information.

The information processing dilemma may be misdiagnosed and blamed on a poor attitude, lack of motivation, or Long-Term, latent Covid effects.

Many now suffer from memory fog created from lasting Covid. Subsequently, the inherent strong and weak cognitive areas may also be adversely affected.

Individuals possessing several of these problems, may develop some compensatory and coping skills.

Furthermore, cognitive and memory deficits carry within them a high degree of stress that can result in underachievement, or even chronic situational depression.

We may be told to try harder, or to seek help with counselors, or mental health and medical professionals. Sketchy prognoses can be made, pills prescribed, creating an unfortunate situation.

Subsequently, as disillusioned individuals, we do not achieve our maximum potential.

We find it difficult to enter the career fields of choice, or be able to compete and advance in our chosen fields.

Braced with indecision, we become embarrassed, or too proud, to consider we could be performing at much higher output levels.  

Let alone, be trained by rotating, cubistic faces.

Case in point: It was difficult for me to realize my own short-comings, as I had struggled since birth, compensating. I felt lagging, or “behind,” fast- paced classmates.

The puzzeling part was that I read like lightning, and was sent to upper grades for reading classes. I read classic literature by age 10.

In teaching my program, it was quite accidental that a personal, new revelation was realized. When studying memory and cognition theories, I understood that unfortunate hidden, gaps were within my own information processing system.

Technically, it was easy to identify my visual and auditory closure issues. What I saw and heard short-circuited, or was incomplete. 

Then, this deficit led to visual and auditory sequencing memory, not functioning optimally, as required for procedural learning.

Finally, a cascade of shortfalls creates poor memory integration needed for conceptualization.

Fortunately, and unexpectedly, I soon recognized increasing sharpness with my own verbal and written communications. I had gradually gained auditory and visual memory closure and transfer.

And, with great relief.

My original intention of applying a procedural system was to accelerate my own three children, plus strengthen my husband’s information processing capability, following a series of heart operations.

As I had worked for, the family all wound up excelling in their chosen, fields of endeavor. My spouse could now embark on a new career path.

Coincidingly, I internally followed my own internal mental progress, but self-help was not my intent.  

My daily puppetry, memory-span-drill workouts are now hinged with physical activity to create a whole-brain wellness regimen; without pills.

It is unusual that one affected with many cognitive shortcomings, would arrive with a solution. 

Nevertheless, I did through internal monitoring.

My only regret is that I did not have this surprising, sharpness benefit earlier, during my younger schooling days.



Erland, J  K. ( February c 1986, 1989).  Contrapuntal Thinking and Definition of Sweeping Thoughts.  Lawrence, KS

Erland, J .  K. (1995).  Cognitive skills training improves listening and visual memory for academic and career success.  in ERIC Clearinghouse, Journal of Accelerative Learning and Teaching, 20, (1 & 2) 87-101.

Gardner, H. (2006).  Multiple Intelligences:  New horizons, the development and education of the mind.  New York:  Basic Books.

Guilford, J. P.  (1967). The nature of human intelligenceNew York: McGraw Hill.

Guilford, J. P. (1984).  An odyssey of the SOI model: An autobiography of Dr. J. P. GuilfordTokyoJapan Head Office International Society For Intelligence Education.

Hessler, G.  (1982).  Use and interpretation of the Woodcock-Johnson psycho-educational battery.  Hingham, MA:  Teaching Resources.

Kess, J. F.  (1992).  Psycholinguistics:  Psychology, linguistics and the study of natural language.  Philadelphia:  J. Benjamin’s Publishing Co.

Meeker, M. N.  (1999) Structure of Intellect Systems. Teacher Training.  Vida, OR:  Structure of Intellect: Based on J. P. Guilford’s work.

Meichenbaum, D. (1991, 1977).  Cognitive behavior modification:  An integrative approach.  New York:  Plenum Press.

Mahoney, M., & Michenbaum, Donald. (1995). Cognitive and constructive psychotherapies : Theory, research, and practice. New York : Washington, DC: Springer ; American Psychological Association.

Rumelhart, D. E., McClelland, J. and the PDP Research Group.  (1986).  Parallel distributed processing:  Explorations in the micro structure of cognition.  Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Sunday, June 4, 2023

Creating a Video-Sound Stage

 "The Best Conditions Became Evident at the Right Moment"


My previous blogs offered my personal stories to encourage the application of creativity,  as I did successfully that results in enthusiastic, engaged learners.

 I have earlier related “How to Follow Oral Directions” was my masters 1980 experimental project. Puppets were shown to be as effective as peer role models. 

Then, obtaining unusual outstanding results with my students/clients, solid longitudinal data verification was deemed necessary authentication.

 The historical role model puppets emerged as the data catalyst. 

This outcome revealed any type of action puppet can be noteworthy for instruction to motivate current non-focused, screen-addicted, students having weak listening memory.

 My objective with this immense filming project was to condense, consolidate, and complement my unpublished instructional and training manuals (each lesson, research documented). 

And then, convert earlier filmed lessons, as a live data collecting prototype, to an easy- to- use, high-quality, stand-alone-deliverable product.

 The staging creation process was not easy to formulate, as there were many decisions and time delays locating and installing the needed equipment.

 Fortunately, I have had a life-long background for understanding staging requirements.

 By age 4, I existed on a home stage in our living room.  My earliest fond memories were those of acting in front of a home movie camera in bright lights. 

Now, everyone is in front of a cell-phone lens, taking multitudes of self-absorbed “selfies” every few hours.

Yet for me, it was not a spontaneous, reactive occurrence, because it was then 1941, and 8 mm silent movie cameras were rare, new, products, available only for the invested person. 

But, we became one, using Kodacolor movie film. Family members were often the subject matter in the home stage environment.

 This action involvement progressed eventually to my early 1960 teaching with classroom stage productions. 

The family 1970s puppet show staging followed naturally with lighting instruction offered by the University of Kansas theatrical department where I was enrolled.

           With 5- generations of filmwork development completed over decades of technical, upgrade hurdles, and finding that commercial film companies were not a realistic pursuit; the home stage studio became a work-in- process, trial endeavor.

 Now, let’s fast- forward to 2017. My grand-daughter was enrolled in film studies at Cal Arts and offered lighting and staging input to complement mine. 

A freshly engaged, novice, photographer and sound editor, put the studio production into slow, steady, forward gear, as there were many sound and lighting considerations.

 Subsequently, moon-lighting his day job, he could only schedule four hours weekly, as an up- skilling training project (2-3 hours filming, and 1-2 hours editing and producing uploads into Drop Box). Although he had his own rock band, was fond of comic action, he welcomed the opportunity to practice studio photography. 

He soon realized increased dedication to this immense, ongoing, project.

It was a high-risk endeavor, and I never thought we would get beyond the first 3 or 4 lessons. Subsequently, I was agreeable with the initial slow production set-up pace.

 We ordered the necessary lighting equipment and a 5’ camera slider that had serious shipment delays. Finally, the historical stage puppets were in place ready for the necessary action. 

I had become a multi-vocal puppeteer who could readily switch vocals with the required timed pacing. This aspect eliminated the need to hire several puppeteers with additional film production staff. 

And, most importantly, it would be the same photographer, not rotating ones trying to learn the complex choreographed, panning system.


My small filming-sound studio was now soon complete with computers/screens. As if my magic, we gradually finalized over 3 - 6,000 lesson segments through countless takes and retakes. An early-effort, 2 minute segment, had up to 13 retakes of my vocals with constant staging challenges. 

We re-filmed the first eight lessons several times, because the practiced filming and puppetry improvement was noticeable.

In a culture of pill-popping, as an easier solution than mental, action workouts, the re-filmed lessons run from a brief 10- minutes up to 24, averaging 16.  The participant applies resilient, cognitive, whole-brain responses and interaction. 

Workouts give feelings of exhilaration and pleasure

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) can imitate this complex staging with “faces and voices”, but, creating the same warm, comforting, interactive, appeal is questionable.

Hopefully, this article will encourage others to engage with in-depth, meaningful, projects that offer insightful well-being and accomplishment.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Elusive, Rational Cognition

                                 Found Through Deep Learning Rehearsal Practice


The Universal Problem:

My former article “Think Twice” discussed how visual and auditory memory integration (necessary for deep understanding/comprehension) becomes elusive with too much addictive screen time adherence. We all “obey” with compulsivity our screens. Marketing strategies depend upon our compulsive natures that we will react instantly to their clever lures.

 Subsequently, integrated long-term memory transfer becomes critical for optimum decision making. Case in Point Example:  Recently three international development giants were engulfed with their own power-ego and screen lure that they lost billions with inept decision making. This can happen anywhere, any time for anybody. Common sense may go by the wayside.

Visual and auditory memories should always be in sync to transfer to long-term understanding.  Unfortunately, the more we rapidly fire our way through visual screens, cells, tablets, desk tops, TVs, our listening (auditory) memory becomes latent. Our visual memory becomes “in charge” of us.

Therefore, it is important for you to realize and understand the consequences of your actions, and how long-term-memory integration factors play into them, and in your life. For example, you may find yourself “fired” from your job, as it takes 3-4 times the effort to complete an assignment or project; you are  constantly yelling, nagging your kids because they don’t listen and follow directions like you thought they should have done.

 The Solution: Innovative, progressive learning over 20-24 input hours.

 But, which one? Necessary criteria for deep, solid attention and retention:

1.         Musical, rhythmical comedy is a good option to obtain fixed attention for deep learning,

2.         Consecutive practice is the next requirement.

3.         The lessons must then build on each other in difficulty level with purpose.

4.         Then, the learner must see their own progressive improvement, and keep going.

5.         Finally, the rhythmic visual and sound adherence will re-formulate one’s brain cognition and  integration. Improvement is “not a quick fix”, but you will see improvement gradually, peaking in a year or two.

 This article can help you recognize and resolve your insidious limitations, so you can take action to alleviate stress and confusion.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Think Twice

Memory (Listening) Transfer Awareness


Many of us are familiar with the big variety of brain games designed for visual working memory speed. Unfortunately, they do not measure long term memory transfer, visual and auditory, needed to understand, and retain, in-depth meanings when learning new material.

 Also referenced as deep learning memory, or brain knowledge transfer, it becomes vital for remembering math and science operations and reading comprehension. These fundamental academics underlie the ability to follow procedures and instructions in many professional arenas.

 Seldom does a single game application address all cognitive processing pieces simultaneously. Multiple training programs address “one-at- a- time” training of each perceptual processing unit. Specific cognitive skills training will initiate opening the door for additional long- term memory transfer applications. Keep in mind that there are a myriad of additional internal cognitive ability elements maintaining the overall learning and memory structure.

My writings for years have emphasized the need for visual and auditory integration, for following procedures, but there are additional properties often unnoticed; long term memory transfer, the basis for understanding/comprehending, retaining, and applying new information.

 Additionally, many brain games measure visual memory speed primarily, in repeated replicated – isolated patterns, but are not integrated with listening memory. Inadvertently, they are achieving the inverse of what they are trying to accomplish through visual memory training, by pulling the visual memory segment faster, and out of sync, with the overly needed auditory processing. The two memories, then, do not integrate properly for applied conceptualization.

 As a result, we now experience national low school reading and math scores. This is not only due to adherence to these autonomous, yet limited, skill practice screen games, but they inadvertently create a shortage of a skilled workforce that can not follow or remember detailed instructions and procedures, as the required auditory memory transfer practice unit had been overlooked.

We become horrified and baffled, blaming the problem on CoVid isolation with too many applications to sort through coupled with school/parent/business administrative issues.

I have referenced this transfer as: Deep Learning. My initial trial studies suggested that certain environmental parameters or conditions had to be in place. These earlier conditions are now replaced by online learning through the adoption of device screens.

My former writings have cautioned about too much screen time with visual images can create an inverse auditory memory transfer needed for conceptualization. Screen time should couple not only with concept practice, but inherent strategies that include widely adopted note taking and visualization coupled with self-talk while slowly increasing the difficulty measures through a variety of lessons.

 Deciding to recognize, understand, and adopt, long-term visual with auditory memory integration transfer is your first important step towards personal growth and professional progress.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

The New Reality of Personal Development


Personalized Development, as we have always known it, is being revamped, morphed, into new online realities. Training departments have ceased to exist as the new reality is online learning. If an internal course requires quick internal learning, a staff member is selected to produce a PowerPoint lesson, quickly, and spend a couple of off hours to present it.

 In the educational world, routine, online, personal development is required by both the state and many school districts. The business world now focuses on re-skill and up-skill learning.  Advanced training becomes the new workforce status requirement, as there is a large shortage of technical workers who can successfully follow procedures quickly and accurately. New information must be imparted, but how? And, if created, will there be enough gained subject matter retention to make training time practical and worthwhile?

 Many companies and schools can not incorporate new learning applications during assigned work hours, as there is already highly scheduled job responsibilities.

 Yet, new online applications must be instilled quickly to create the much needed, proficient workforce. Not to mention that eager course sign-ups following a days’ work, may be hard to come by. Subsequently, an employee must see additional personal benefits for the extra time involvement.

 Some work employees or school teachers can elect to take up-skilling training during personal breaks, if the app fits into the allocated break time framework.

 Okay, how will this much-needed learning practice come about? Several factors must be in place:

 - The applicant must determine long, lasting personal benefits, at low, or no personal cost

-  Enhances job certification

-  Online training must be fast, easy, and in short time blocks

-  No guidebook, manuals, or homework should be necessary

-  Lessons begins with short, easy, steps to gain confidence and momentum

-  Improvement is recognizable to the participant and team members

-  The new process app can be added to existing dashboards

- Recognition that a new app enhances further development, promotional options  and advanced job roles

     And finally, any new product must have a data-backed success rate to ensure the trainee that the process is worth the time involvement spent.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Clinical Deep Learning Practice Applied

 No Magic Bullet or Quick Fix:  

Procedural Learning Objectives


Jan Kuyper Erland


 Summative Observations of a Data-Driven Framework:

Continuous anecdotal data science applications created some interesting observations. With perplexing longitudinal results with all ages showing gains of various cognitive functioning levels, I began to investigate these differences between individuals and yet, the results had mysteriously maintained not only post years latently through diagnostic follow up assessments, but maintained for decades, as evidenced by continuing circumstantial reports of impressive, continuing high career status.

 Yet, these data phenomena, under certain application-environmental provisions, would be routinely expected.

 Many of the following factors are routinely studied post treatment and verified by cognitive scientists, and should be under continued review at this juncture.

 Clinical anecdotal records revealed the following objectives initially and in subsequent years:

Both performance and mental attitude changed positively for many, not only during the course, but following due, most in all probability, to neuronal rapid, continued flexibility.

Results showed steady growth with all learning levels, but varied among individual subjects.

Results revealed larger growth by treatment groups than a gifted control groups and alternate media activity control groups.

Results were one-two years latent with challenging conditions, and these learners required immediate and semi-annual on-going refreshers.

 Average profiles varied in the outcome results. Some appeared to be suddenly “popped to the very high levels”, while others waxed according to their current brain’s proficiency wiring reflecting daily mental habits.

 As my master thesis indicated; puppets had the same “star” modeling influence power as did peer- team mates.[i]

 Long term memory transfer bridging to critical thought was the most difficult to improve, and required more intense, continuing working memory practice and, with reading and higher order thinking.

Results maintained when eagerly adopted and accepted by the client through the modeling routines.

Peer team models are the important factor for not only overall program acceptance, but for rehearsal spoken timing and pacing.

The deep phonological rehearsal verbal training may have affected the generalization outcomes reported in the research and published higher reading and math scores. [ii]

Intense verbal practice while viewing rotating, timed images and sounds impact working short term sequential memory leading to auditory-visual integration; a requirement for reading comprehension.

Subsequently, the reader must have a fundamental understanding, at the contextual level, for comprehending rigorous texts. To meet the top criteria of the Hierarchy of Thinking Model’s Critical Thought, [iii] this layer must be in place.



[i]  Erland, J. K. (1980, October) Vicarious Modeling Using Peers and Puppets with Learning Disabled Adolescents. © 1980. The University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas.

[ii]  Erland, J. K. (1999, Fall) Brain-Based Accelerated Learning and Cognitive Skills Training Using Interactive Media Expedites High Academic Achievement. The Journal of Accelrerated Learning and Teaching24, 3&4.

[iii]  Erland, Hierarchy of Thinking. Published in 1999 International Alliance of Learning’s monograph. Brain-Based Accelerated Learning and Cognitive Skills Training Using Interactive Media Expedites High Academic Achievement. 24, 3&4. pp.12-14.



Saturday, March 5, 2022

Scientific Hierarchy of Thinking Model

 Scientific Hierarchy of Thinking Model [1]

Seeking an Information Processing
Intervention Solution
through Deep Learning Cognitive Practice

By Jan Kuyper Erland


My earlier blog articles described my innovative, rapid learning process beginning as a parent wishing to give my own family members a learning edge for high cognitive, thought levels.

 The initial training was based on my master’s manuscript, “Following Oral Directions with Peers and Puppets” [2] that applied Bandura’s Social Learning Theory [3] and role models. Findings showed no significant difference between either peers or puppets as role models with junior high students with challenging conditions.

 Current brain research corroborates theses early psychological cognition brain functions/domain findings through fMRI brain scans. [4]

 Later, this initial research premise was conveyed by book chapter articles regarding 5-Dimensional layered thinking describing the unique application process, applying the Hierarchy of Thinking model.

 This scientific model update becomes thought-provoking research to any reader, as experimental psychology may apply multiple scientific models each uniquely arranged with the cognitive scientists’ viewpoint on brain activation functions and how they are applied.

 Rarely is an independent, experimental cognitive researcher also a school teacher, educational content developer, and dramatic artist, creating a scalable model with five generations of research and development pointing to a viable solution.

Research papers/projects often show little fidelity with actual treatments, as few researchers have been trained in applied learning procedures and resolve immediate student learning concerns similarly to experienced classroom teachers. Subsequently, unique methods of unusually innovative treatments are not routinely applied. [5]

 This investigator applied years of an unfamiliar treatment in multiple environments, with various age group samples, within several geographical areas, with four longitudinal data reports over an extended generational time span. Many 3rd party reviewers and independent testing companies were involved, and the longitudinal experimental trials were with the same intact treatment groupings, randomly applied with control groups, ultimately received an international award. [6]

 The Hierarchy of Thinking model was rigorously adhered to within actual practice by focusing on initial chunking rote memorization for patterned details, leading upwards to integrating multiple relationships of sequencing procedural information, then directed to Abstract Problem Solving – Critical thought. [7]

 This generational outcome indicated strong procedural sequencing mental ability for individuals, ages 9-99 desiring increased academic and career skill enhancement.


[1] Erland, J. K. (c 1989) Hierarchy of Thinking. Published in 1999 JALT research monograph.

[2] Erland, J. K. (1980, October) “Vicarious Modeling Using Peers and Puppets with Learning Disabled Adolescents” © 1980. The University of Kansas: Lawrence, Kansas.

[3] Bandura, A, (1971), Social learning theory, Stanford University: General Learning Corporation.

[4] Turner, J. A. M.D. (December 24, 2021). Re-conceptualizing domains in neuroscience, hopes, and utopias aside. Nature Neuroscience.

[5] Schueller. S.M. (November 2020) Scaling Evidence-Based Treatments Through Digital Mental Health. American Psychologist. Journal of the American Psychological Association. 75.  #8. 1093-1104.

[6] Erland, J. K. (2008) Downloadable, unpublished report. Five Generations 27-years of Iterative Brain Based Accelerated Learning Experimentation Demonstrate Cognitive Skills\ Improvement Enhances Academic and Career Goals. ( Pages 19-20 Landmark study: International Alliance for Learning (IAL, June 2001).

[7] Erland, J; K. (1999). Brain-Based Accelerated Learning and Cognitive Skills Training Using Interactive Media Expedites High Academic Achievement. Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching. 24. (3&4) Monograph. ERIC: 437 650. ©1999.

Monday, February 13, 2017

"Cracking Math and Science"

Why Students May Not Perform Well in Science and Math

Unfortunately, there is a reason learners may not progress in science and math as expected. Many do not have enough underlying memory capacity to learn the varied sequential information and then apply it logically.

Furthermore, assuming this, students are unable to understand and follow procedural instructions basic to conceptualizing mathematical and scientific information.

Why is this?

Numerical arithmetic is taught in grades one to three, and there is a major shift in the curriculum in grade four. Right-brain spatial numbers shift into left-brain sequencing with advanced concepts. National test scores show that math scores, including advanced concepts, drop off  beginning in grade four.

Understanding science requires not only doing simple experiments and reading scientific stories out of textbooks, but requires procedural, stepwise learning.

Procedural learning requires the mastery of learning step-wise procedures. Following directions is usually taught with simple question and answer digital question/answer assignments taught by animated characters that may speak and move too quickly for the necessary absorption needed.

Why do we fall behind other foreign countries -- how can these children encode-decode information while ours do not? Perhaps their students have more musical training and learn foreign languages that train auditory (listening) memory, critically needed for learning technical sequences.

What is missing?

Students may be unable to listen to complex instructions (teachers spend hours daily repeating directions continuously). Subsequently, students work in teams where one member does the application "thinking" and fills out the required responses on devices. Others work in small tutorial groups with simple assignments that can be below grade level work. These students may then "fall through the cracks" with their math instruction and output.

Every student processes information differently, with different learning styles and capacities. The missing link is teaching students how to encode and decode sequential information with "mental toughess training", and expand their visual and listening memories an underlying requirement for conceptualizing formulas and mathematical equations.

Yet, teachers do recognize each child's proficiency level in math and science. Unfortunately, completion demands may be placed upon students who naturally lack the necessary "brain-power" to sequence and code math and science instructions.

Yet, we need to understand and expand our technological capacities with performing students in science and math.

Parents can now help fill in this gap - the missing link. There soon will be more parent "how to" information readily accessible through digital learning. Applications will be pleasurable, scientifically tested, and learning will be fast.

The ability to encode/decode sequential information will be taught through specific, scientifically tested training regimens. It might be something for all of us to consider. Let's look to future, innovative possibilities to foster advanced learning in science and math.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

How To Be Your Child's Learning Advocate

What You Can Do Now To Save Headaches Later 

Keep your child enrolled in high school and on the right curriculum path that includes state guidelines. If college is not your aim, focus on obtaining fundamental work skills, so they can be self-supporting.

Focus on a college and/or trade school preparatory coursework in junior high school, especially in English, math, and science.

Follow your child's grade school math, reading, and language skills carefully. They will become the basis for more advanced learning in junior and senior high school, and college.

Grades at all school levels are often inflated, and this camouflage can fool you into false complacency. Future catastrophic career blocks may occur with a lack of performance and achievement in high school and college.

Watch for lost learning experiences that can impede high school, college and career success. Language and math courses are sequential and progressive.

Skills not mastered in the 3rd through 7th grades result in missing links in the student's progressive learning chain.

Differentiated Learning is the new trend. Ask if your child has been placed in an ability level class and which differentiated level he/she is in. Some ability groupings are positive ways of effective classroom instruction, as students are at the same learning pace. Once in middle school or junior high, students may be placed in English and math classes according to their demonstrated ability.

Preparing for a Higher Education or Job Placement

Those who decide to work at semi-skilled labor in industry need the mental abilities to follow sequences of procedures.

These jobs require that a person be able to read manuals, do mathematical calculations and remember details crucial to job success. Students should learn visual sequencing through support computer programs designed for this purpose.

Competency in language, reading, math, and science is essential for entering college curriculums or obtaining skilled jobs to become self-supporting.

Mastering these subject areas is crucial for those who desire gaining admittance to out-of-state or private schools. Many college fields require several hours of foreign language, science, and math. Often, they require a "B" average for admittance into a major field concentration. Therefore, these foundations must be mastered in earlier grades.

Many college-bound students arrive on campus functioning at junior high school levels in basics such as English and math.This creates a problem as college instruction is faster paced than high school and demands more independent work.Classes start at high functioning levels, leaving no time to "catch up".

As a result, when freshman students are required to take basic math or English courses that they should have mastered in high school, typically, more than 60% can receive a "C" average or lower. For example, remedial math courses in 4-year colleges have increased by 75%.

Remedial college classes are the most highly endowed by the federal government. Parents are then forced to pay extra years of college tuition, which can run $18,000 -$60,000. per year to learn the basic courses that should have been mastered in earlier grades at a lower cost, if any.

If You Don't Prepare Early: There Will be Strain on Both Students and Parents

The consequences of being poorly prepared and getting off to a poor start on the job or in college profoundly affect students and parents alike. Let's consider:

A poorly prepared student may be forced to drop out of high school or college. Plans and goals are reoriented to accept a lesser job or career working for a lower wage.

It is difficult to live on a low wage, which precipitates not only personal hardships but creates social dilemmas.

A struggling student may take a minimum college course load and require extra semesters of work to graduate, achieving only a modest grade point average.

If admittance is not obtained in a desired field, alternative fields must be considered. Often the easily accessible majors or career schools have saturated field entry in which job competition is fierce.

Some students take minimal course loads in order to ease study pressure, and many need five to six years to graduate. This extended luxury costs $18,000 to $60,000 per extra year in tuition costs alone.

Increasing numbers of young people in their 20s are living at home or under the parent umbrella. More parents than ever are subsidizing their young adult offspring, still hoping for miracles. Unfortunately, they request "study skills", search for costly tutoring programs, and the dilemma lies within personal information processing deficiencies. Tensions at home direct that the student reside in their own apartment, which is additional family cost.

Your Personal Involvement Checklist

Education will be a priority in our home. I will research online resources. Parent information portals exist, like our 501 c 3 nonprofit Innovative Learning Stratagems, Inc., and offer many low- cost, affordable directions for assistance.

I will observe my child's speaking, reading, handwriting, and spelling abilities, beginning at age six. If there is any difficulty, I will have him/her tested by a qualified professional. Add-itude magazine offers a free download Learning Disability checklist, and a form letter a parent can write requesting a referral for school special services assistance.  Free Download Learning Disability Checklist

I will carefully follow nationally standardized tests given by my school district, and will look at the percentiles and understand where my child fits into the total picture.

I will communicate with my child's teacher if I have questions.

I will meet with the guidance counselor to see which academic path my child has been placed.

I will review my child's cumulative folder for negative notations.

I will investigate whether my child qualifies to take higher levels of math, science, and English.

If I have any concerns about his educational progress with the basics, I will seek professional cognitive skills testing either by the school or by private professionals.

I am aware that in many cases grades can be inflated, and that my child may not be an A or B student as described by his teacher. Those who receive failing grades receive such for incomplete or missing assignments, not for how well they are completed.

I will make sure homework is not only monitored, but completed and turned in on time with the schools' dashboard of assignments.

I will monitor and limit TV viewing, the Internet, computer video games, and focus on applying quality reading materials.

I will visit my child's school at least twice a year, especially on Parent's Night plus other activities.

By observing and following these procedures, you will save yourself from having life-long financial support of your child and double the expenses spent along the way. These suggestions will make your life less hectic and stressful for all the members of your family.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mastering Sequential Learning

Why Instruct Step-Wise Learning? Although the average person does not understand how sequencing memory works, parents and teachers are beginning to recognize the critical necessity for teaching visual and listening sequential memory as a separate supplemental instructional piece, as it is so integral to academic learning proficiency.

Now, students at all learning levels can be trained to optimum achievement levels with powerful learning solution outcomes.

Not only is serial learning critically fundamental to all technical and skilled trade operations, but it is at the root of all academic and athletic learning – reading, writing, spelling, mathematical equations, learning foreign languages, communicating through written composition, athletic plays, musical compositions, recipes, including operational procedures.

Every movement in your day is a series of orchestrated steps. The faster you can sequence, the more organized you are, and get more accomplished.

Creating adequate working memory resolves often unidentified learning problems. Schools have not overly taught memory organization as an independent course. Not only have there been few available programs, but they have not fit into traditional educational curricula as adaptive learning instruction.

For years, textbook companies did not have a niche for this type of training, and curriculum's absorbed this concept necessity within the routine teaching of math equations or reading comprehension exercises.

Technically speaking, step-wise learning is called visual and listening (auditory) sequential working memory training. Much research was conducted in the 1960s and 1970s in this arena, but few training programs existed, and even today, very few academic or professional programs teach sequencing and coding operations as auxiliary “How To” course.

Now, various supplemental academic learning options abound with digital, online learning, but the question is how to find as an academic companion, like a sequencing training program with evidenced validity. It becomes a question of sorting out options.

Online working memory courses offer teaching visual figural memory matching, and with few
sequencing operations (as in algebraic equations). Two-dimensional cartoon characters lead the way through rapid pacing activities, which actions may be difficult to follow. Video games develop fast visual processing speed, and leave operational logic devices up to the player. Serial operations, or step-wise learning, that instructs formal chunking and coding “How To’s” are not systematically taught.

Now that we have touch screens, we are relegated to visual figural, tactile learning, through tapping interfaces. We are not offered listening/auditory serial processing that is critical as a gateway into our technical world.

It should also be pointed out that any supplemental, accelerated training should not be considered “remedial”. Since listening and visual sequential memory creates conceptualization or the integration of information, parents should step forward to ensure that their youngsters have this necessary foundation to excel in academics at any level.

As a classroom teacher, recognizing the critical need, I researched and developed a training system to optimize fast sequential or operational learning. As the root of all technical operations, it had definite instructional merit.

As a result, my graduates have since risen to top administrative/executive/official levels with the ability to make fast and decisive decisions. Serial training is not only administratively beneficial, but it adds personal power, as it opens access to logic, reasoning, and problem solving, not to mention creating optimized school and workplace efficiency.

For example, recently, an electronics store’s sales clerk inadvertently gave me incorrect operational sequences, leaving out two steps, when programming a newly purchased television remote. Of course, the remote did not operate. Unabashed, I referenced the manual (which most of us are reluctant to do), and noticed that steps were verbally inaccurately transmitted to me. This results in a loss of time, not to  mention the ensuing frustration receiving inaccurate instructions.

To resolve these daily ineptitude issues, schools will emphasize the teaching of reading comprehension, or deep understanding and retention of classroom assignments. There will be alternative forms of practice recitation to create deep learning. Work process flow states will be introduced, and speed of careless input work will be deemphasized.

Professional educator development will be instrumental in learning these new training procedures and processes. The school culture will become one led to continuous personalized student improvement. Now students will move into secondary school levels optimizing their ability to follow directions, compute, read, write, and communicate effectively. All, of which, have the basis of serial learning.

Questions for consideration: Does your student listen, remember, and follow oral directions and/or procedures easily? Can they spell words correctly? Can they complete serial answers clearly? Are mathematical step-wise procedures easily understood and followed without missing steps? Technical operations will not operate correctly if a step is omitted, removed, or out of proper sequence.

Our nonprofit organization, Innovative Learning Stratagems, Inc. offers an information portal to ease parents’ search for applicable online resources. As a result, parents will become more involved and supervise online learning sessions at home, where their child is not lost in a classroom quantum of multiple, asynchronous activities. Students will have their school computerized dashboard transferred to homework assignments. Supplemental online supplemental help – will be utilized and applied at optimum levels.